This statement was published in January 2021 in accordance with Section 54 of The Modern Slavery Act 2015 by Pro Gases (UK) Ltd to set out the steps taken in 2021 by Pro Gases (UK) Ltd to ensure that no form of modern slavery takes place in its operations.
About Pro Gases (UK) Ltd
Pro Gases (UK) Ltd is a company with approximately 15 employees during 2021. Pro Gases (UK) Ltd is fast becoming the UK’s most trusted cylinder, industrial gas, medical cylinder, refrigeration gases and bulk liquid provider serving more than 70,000 customers. 

Pro Gases (UK) Ltd products include compressed, bulk and pipeline industrial gases, chemicals, engineering solutions and equipment, healthcare, energy and transport technologies. The industries which use its products include steelmaking, refining, chemical processing, environmental protection, wastewater treatment, welding and cutting, food processing and distribution, glass production, electronics and healthcare.

Pro Gases (UK) Ltd acts responsibly towards its directors business partners, employees, society and the environment in all its business areas, regions and locations across the Europe and is committed to technologies and products that unite the goals of customer value and sustainable development.

Pro Gases (UK) Ltd’s supply chain and the sourcing and selection of its suppliers is conducted by standard Procurement Standards. Depending on the nature of the product or service, sourcing may be local, regional or globally managed. 
What is Modern Slavery?
Modern slavery is a term that encompasses issues such as people trafficking, forced labour, domestic servitude, slavery and other forms of human exploitation.

Pro Gases (UK) Ltd has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, whether in its own operations or in its supply chain. 

Our Policies
Pro Gases (UK) Ltd abides by the principles of the International Bill of Human Rights, enacted by the United Nations and Pro Gases (UK) Ltd policies and position statements support human rights and labour standards and these are integrated into its business. This includes the Employee Handbook which sets out how companies and employees within Pro Gases (UK) Ltd are required to maintain their relationships with customers, suppliers, governments, other businesses, the environment and people and Pro Gases (UK) Ltd position on human rights which commits Pro Gases (UK) Ltd to protect and promote human rights and builds upon the values and principles of safety, integrity, sustainability and respect.

Pro Gases (UK) Ltd also shares these principles with its suppliers minimum requirements for health and safety, environmental protection, legal compliance and integrity, human rights and labour standards, including its intolerance of any form of forced labour.

Preventing Modern Slavery in Pro Gases (UK) Ltd Supply Chain
Approximately 75% of the goods and services purchased by Pro Gases (UK) Ltd are bought in the UK. During 2020, Pro Gases (UK) Ltd continued to ensure that suppliers entering into a Pro Gases (UK) Ltd contract were aware of the Code(s) of Conduct for Suppliers (the “Code”) and agreed to comply with the Code(s) through its incorporation into the supplier contract. In addition to those requirements of the Code(s) as stated above, the Code(s) also requires the supplier to undertake reasonable efforts to encourage its own suppliers and sub-contractors to comply with the principles of the Code(s).
Preventing Modern Slavery in Pro Gases (UK) Ltd Operations
All Pro Gases (UK) Ltd employees must comply with and are protected by all Code of Business Integrity. UK Human Resources and Employee Relations policies meet all UK legal requirements including minimum wage legislation. Pro Gases (UK) Ltd also undertakes appropriate checks to ensure that no employee is paid below the minimum wage and conducts due diligence when recruiting Pro Gases (UK) Ltd employees, carrying out stringent pre-employment checks to ensure proof of identity and the right to work in the UK.  

Pro Gases (UK) Ltd strives for continuous improvement of its ethics and integrity including in relation to issues of Modern Slavery. This statement will be periodically updated to reflect these efforts.

Want to Know More?
If you want to know more about our commitment to ethical conduct, please email