In the quest for a greener future, industries are seeking sustainable alternatives to traditional carbon dioxide (CO2) production methods. Biogas plants have emerged as a beacon of hope, utilising anaerobic digestion to produce green CO2. This blog explores the fascinating process of green CO2 production through anaerobic digestion and highlights its environmental benefits.

Understanding Anaerobic Digestion:

Anaerobic digestion is a natural process that occurs in the absence of oxygen. It involves the breakdown of organic materials, such as food waste, agricultural residue, or animal manure, by microorganisms. These microorganisms break down the organic matter and produce biogas, a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The biogas generated typically contains approximately 60% biomethane, a renewable fuel, and 34% CO2, which is considered a natural residual product.

Green CO2 Recovery:

Rather than allowing the CO2 component of biogas to go to waste or be released into the atmosphere, biogas plants employ specialised units to recover and recycle the CO2. This step is crucial in enhancing the sustainability and circular economy credentials of biogas production. The green CO2 obtained from this process is considered a valuable resource with numerous potential applications in various industries.

Environmental Advantages:

The production of green CO2 through anaerobic digestion at biogas plants offers significant environmental advantages. Firstly, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by capturing and utilizing CO2 that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. Moreover, anaerobic digestion diverts organic waste materials from landfills, mitigating the generation of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

Secondly, biogas production and the subsequent recovery of green CO2 contribute to a circular economy by utilising organic waste as a valuable resource. This process aligns with sustainability goals by minimising waste and promoting resource efficiency.

Additionally, the carbon in green CO2 originates from plant matter that has absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. This makes biogas production and green CO2 recovery a carbon-neutral process, as it does not contribute to the net increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Applications and Potential:

Green CO2 from biogas plants has a wide range of applications across various industries. It can be used for carbonation in beverages, as an ingredient in food processing, and in agricultural practices to enhance plant growth. Industries such as breweries, food and beverage, agriculture, and manufacturing can integrate green CO2 into their day-to-day operations and contribute to a more sustainable future.

The production of green CO2 through anaerobic digestion at biogas plants is a remarkable feat in sustainability and environmental stewardship. By harnessing this process, industries can reduce their carbon footprint, contribute to a circular economy, and explore innovative applications of green CO2. Embracing green CO2 signifies a crucial step towards a greener and more sustainable future.

It is estimated that more than 230 million tonnes (Mt) of COis used every year worldwide. The fertiliser industry is the largest consumer, with 130 Mt of CO2 used in urea manufacturing, followed by oil and gas, which consumes 70 to 80 Mt of CO2 for enhanced oil recovery.

Many industries depend upon CO2 for their day-to-day operations and production, such as breweries, food and beverage and agriculture to name a few

Traditional CO2 Production and its Harmful Impacts

There are many methods of producing CO2 – such as distilling CO2 from the air, but such a method is expensive and inefficient. It is usually more efficient to capture CO2 from other sources where it is a waste material. The majority of CO2 utilised by industry today is a by-product of fossil fuel operations, most often from natural gas or coal-fueled facilities producing ammonia. The gas released during the combustion of these fuels releases harmful amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, now reaching alarming levels.

The rise in CO2 levels produces an excess of greenhouse gases, which causes global warming, which causes climate change. The symptoms of which include melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels, disruption of animal natural habitats, extreme weather events, and a slew of other dangerous side effects. Many are acting by looking at new ways to produce CO2 to try and reduce harmful levels being released into the atmosphere – one of the ways is the production of COfrom biogas.

Biogas and Green CO2

In recent years, biogas has gained favour as a “greener” fuel. This is the methane produced by anaerobic digestion, which can be utilised to replace conventional natural gas in landfills or “digesters” that convert animal manure or food waste. 

Biogas typically contains 60% biomethane, which is a renewable fuel, and 34% CO2, which is a natural residual product. Rather than wasting and emitting this residual CO2, a specially built unit is designed to recover and recycle all the CO2, enhancing the facility’s sustainability and circular economy credentials. Green CO2 created from biogas is believed to have higher supply reliability and be a more sustainable product than regular CO2 derived from fossil fuels. 

Biogas also helps to reduce methane emissions from landfills and manure lagoons that might otherwise escape. By turning this methane into CO2, which is up to 34 times less potent as a greenhouse gas, using it as a fuel significantly minimises its climatic impact.

As the carbon in biogas comes from plant matter that has fixed CO2 from the atmosphere, biogas production is considered carbon-neutral and does not contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, any fossil fuel consumption that is replaced by biogas reduces CO2 emissions.

In summary, the production of COthrough biogas is up to 34 times less potent compared to the production of CO2 through conventional processes. It is also more environmentally friendly and green CO2 can be utilised in many industries and industrial processes. COis also being used to innovate different technologies, such as the development of new building materials that could permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere. Green COis the future – will you join us?

Pro Gases UK supplies bulk green CO2 to businesses across the UK.

The benefits of green CO2 and our service are simple:

– Continuity of supply all year round with no surcharges

– Tested and fully certified gases to food grade standards, providing customers quality assurance

– A simple supply chain without complexities to minimise disruption and reduce costs.

For more information, call us on 0151 922 1118, or submit your details below.

As the world grapples with the urgent need to combat climate change, carbon capture has emerged as a promising technology. Biogas plants, known for their sustainable production of energy, play a vital role in this endeavour by capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This blog explores the concept of carbon capture and the process by which it effectively captures CO2 from biogas plants, making significant strides towards a cleaner and greener future.

Understanding Carbon Capture:

Carbon capture, also known as CO2 capture or carbon capture and storage (CCS), is a technology designed to capture and store CO2 emissions from various sources, including industrial processes and power plants. The primary objective is to prevent CO2 from being released into the atmosphere, where it contributes to the greenhouse effect and climate change. Instead, the captured CO2 is stored or utilised in other applications, reducing its impact on the environment.

Carbon Capture in Biogas Plants:

Biogas plants, which harness the power of anaerobic digestion to produce biogas, are an ideal candidate for carbon capture. In these plants, microorganisms break down organic waste materials, such as food waste or agricultural residue, releasing biogas that consists of methane (CH4) and CO2. By implementing carbon capture technology, the CO2 component of the biogas can be effectively separated and captured for further processing.

The Process of CO2 Capture:

The CO2 capture process in biogas plants generally involves several key steps. First, the biogas is directed through a separation unit that separates the CO2 from the methane. This unit may utilise various technologies such as absorption or adsorption to selectively capture the CO2 molecules.

Once separated, the captured CO2 undergoes a purification process to remove any impurities or contaminants. This ensures that the resulting CO2 is of high purity and suitable for various applications. The purified CO2 can be compressed into a liquid form for ease of storage or transported for utilisation in industries that require CO2 as a feedstock.

Benefits and Applications:

The capture of CO2 from biogas plants brings significant benefits to the environment and various industries. Firstly, it helps mitigate climate change by preventing the release of CO2, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. This reduces the overall carbon footprint and contributes to global efforts to combat climate change.

Captured CO2 from biogas plants can be utilised in multiple applications. It can be used in food and beverage production, carbonation processes, as a feedstock in chemical manufacturing, or even injected into oil wells for enhanced oil recovery. This versatility allows for the creation of a circular economy, where CO2 emissions are recycled and utilised, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient industrial ecosystem.

Carbon capture technology holds immense promise in mitigating CO2 emissions and combating climate change. By capturing CO2 from biogas plants, we can tap into the potential of sustainable energy production while reducing the release of greenhouse gases. Embracing carbon capture signifies a crucial step towards a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future.